What I posted to a Facebook friend when she was getting hammered for not getting into Halloween in Australia

Dear Halloween Grinch,

good for you! When my kids whine about trick or treating, I asked them what they wanted from it, and they said dressing up and lollies. So next year they can dress up and I will get them lollies. They asked why they can't go bother the neighbours, I told them that it isn't something we do in our country, and we are very grateful that we don't live in the US with all the bullshit that goes with it.

Boo his cultural imperialism and mass consumption and fat kids.

If they really want something in thier little lolly bucket, I will give them a lamb chop. Oz as. You know it makes sense ;)


  • Jamie | 8:53 pm

    Halloween in Australia.
    Shakes head.

    Went to an ABA training day in Wagga yesterday. Did the usual shopping afterwards and couldn't figure out why there were all these people stocking up on lollies and dress ups...took me a while to click. :)

    Then we get back to town at 9pm and see little kids (under 10) wandering the streets by themselves, all dressed up!

    We had some teenagers drop over here at about 10pm. They were on a treasure hunt and wanted to take a photo of themselves on our trampoline. Now that was fun!