Poultry Palace

Last weekend we gained four birds for the backyard. On Friday we got two ducks from Freecycle. Someone had far too many critters in her backyard and her husband wanted rid of some so he could reclaim his yard. I originally thought that we would get one, but our next-door-neighbour who is a vet nurse conviced me to go for two so that they could keep each other company and gang up on ND (Naughty Dog). So we picked up two quacky brown ducks, and we hope that they are both girls.

Our Alpha Male worked hard to complete some ducky accommodation before the sun went down. Unfortunately a rusty nail through the sandal put a crimp on his ambitions and we had an exciting evening exploring the intricacies of the late-night health system at this end of town.

Saturday morning saw us at the brand new Temple of Hardware that has opened up close to us. Too close to us... We bought up enough stuff to make a secure and comfy Poultry Palace. Or so we thought.

So by now the Poultry Palace consisted of a wooden house with mesh, a large side access hatch and a smaller chook/duck door, and a Poultry Patio which was made from reclaimed shop shelves and covered with wire, with a wire skirt on the bottom and a birdnet cover to prevent escapees or unwelcome visitors.

On Sunday morning our chooky girls were delivered to us, complete with a refugee package of grains, pellets and grits (Howdy, chickens!). We tipped them into the Poultry Palace complete with secure and scenic chook courtyard.

Everybody happy!

Unfortunately the younger of the chickens must have found that the ground was uneven enough for her to slip under the wire and go for a walk. She must also have found that the dog at our house is not as gentle with chickens as the dog at her old house. RIP little chicken. We rapidly gained some knowledge in chicken forensics, and also increased our security measures. A harsh introduction to poultry farming at Number 7, especially for the little chicken.

The next day our hen Rosie laid us an egg, so we felt like lucky poultry farmers. This week she has laid us 3 eggs. Thanks Rosie!

well, we are one step closer to our poultry pets. Last weekend Coran got very busy hammering together the Chooky Chalet. Today I bought a grain dispenser and a water dispenser for the girls. I hope that this weekend we will finish the run, finish the house and go and pick up the girls! Monkey 2 has been clucking around the house with her hands in her armpits and her elbows flapping around, and has evicted the dog from her dog bed so that M2 can use it as a nest. Dog not happy, M2 in raptures!

I am making M3 a hat. I figured that I needed a small project (hah! because I don't have enough going on in my life as it stands) and in a hunt for inspiration I found some towelling scraps, and every Australian male needs a towelling hat, doesn't he? So I have started the grooviest little towelling hat for him. No pattern, just a rough idea from another towelling hat that lives at our house. M3's hat will have a purple top, the sides purple and green stripes, and the floppy brim purple on top and green underneath. I am handsewing it, and it is a challenge to sew it so the towelling doesn't fall to bits. Photos when I get around to it!


Hooray! For a while I have been thinking that I should start a blog, so that lots of the ideas I have get remembered after they leak out of my ears.