getting old...

At the dinner table. Monkey 3 (4 yrs old) tastes his chilled cordial

Monkey 3 - this tastes like lemonade
me - yes, it does a bit
Monkey 3 - it has got water and lemons and sugar and hextacy in it
me and the love of my life - (eyes bugging out)
me - why does it have hextacy in it?
Monkey 3 - to make it taste like lemonade.

I think I might check the cordial ingredients more carefully before I buy that brand again...

Still at the dinner table. Monkey 2 (6 years old) is telling me (33 years old) about a former classmate and the special crayons he used

me - I don't remember him
Monkey 2 - that is probably because your brain is getting old and you don't remember things.

thanks sweetie.