she knits!

I always thought that I had a knitting disability. My mum can knit, my sister can knit, my mother in law can knit, about four hundred million bazzilion trillion people can knit on Ravelry, but I couldn't knit.

I can crochet, I can spin, I can sew, I can follow instructions if they aren't too fiddly and I am not too impatient.

Lately I have been feeling my knitting mojo sneaking up slowly but steadily, so this week I busted out a pair of needles and had a go at knitting Continental style. This is more like crocheting in its technique, since I move the right needle around the yarn, not the yarn around the needle. Anyone watching me knit that knows anything about knitting or ergonomics would probably cringe, but it is working so there.

I had a look at four or five of the millions of knitting videos on youtube to see how to pick up a dropped stitch, ans concluded that these vids are largely shot by people that know what they are doing, but don't know how to make an instructional video. They say "now see this dropped stitch..." and I yelled back NO I CAN'T SEE THE STITCH! since the camera was so far away from the knitting that I couldn't see anything. A quick phone call to the Aunty Toots knitting helpdesk didn't really help either, since apparently I had buggered it up good and proper. I will find an in real life knitting helper very soon.

Before Monkey 4 was born, my dear over-the-road-neighbour gave me a knitting kit to make a pink baby jumper. It is a very strange pattern, but I am giving it a bash. This much since yesterday.

I even did a few rows at Commonwealth park yesterday while we were there for the Australia Day celebrations. I knitted while Monkeys 1, 2 and 3 played in the sandpit, and Monkey 4 rolled around on the grass and ate gumleaves. Oz as!

Watch this space for more jumper as it happens. or as I get around to photographing and blogging it. Assuming my old brain doesn't forget about knitting, photographing and blogging...

getting old...

At the dinner table. Monkey 3 (4 yrs old) tastes his chilled cordial

Monkey 3 - this tastes like lemonade
me - yes, it does a bit
Monkey 3 - it has got water and lemons and sugar and hextacy in it
me and the love of my life - (eyes bugging out)
me - why does it have hextacy in it?
Monkey 3 - to make it taste like lemonade.

I think I might check the cordial ingredients more carefully before I buy that brand again...

Still at the dinner table. Monkey 2 (6 years old) is telling me (33 years old) about a former classmate and the special crayons he used

me - I don't remember him
Monkey 2 - that is probably because your brain is getting old and you don't remember things.

thanks sweetie.

some more jumbo bobbins for my wheel! yippee!

They were out of stock at Christmas time so they came in a box with my other fibrey Christmas present from my sister and her Laddo. They signed me up for Fibre Club at Ewe Give Me the Knits!, and the first installment of fibrey goodness arrived this week.

150 or so grams of superwash merino in autumny colours. Maybe it will be socks? gotta love machine washable socks :) It might go all chunky and into an art yarn for a hat or a scarf...

I think that I need to work on getting my jumbo flyer mojo happening before I do anything with this fibre. Also I am waiting on an orifice reducer bush (fnar fnar) so that I don't have to screw the big orifice thingy on and off when I change flyers. Too many little bits to lose, and since Monkey 4 is now scritching around the floor very capably, the fewer little bits around to lose the better.

The Love of my Life ordered me a last minute Christmas present, hoping that it would arrive here before the 25th. The big day arrived but my parcel didn't.

Not very happy...

On new years eve, Mandie from Ewe Give me the Knits rang us to check our address since the parcel was returned to her, saying that there was no such address. WTF??? She had addressed it properly to us, using the same address that Australia Post has recognised and delivered to for the last 7 years that we have been living here.

She posted it again, and today it arrived.

I was a bit excited but mostly "it's about time"...

Before I could put the flyer on my wheel, I had to oil it and put a few bits together.

And then I had to change one of the orifice supports on my wheel. If you aren't into spinning, the orifice is the hole at the front that the yarn gets sucked into like a toddler eating spaghetti.
Myself, I still feel a bit weird when I think of poking stuff into my orifice, esp in polite company. Orifice. Heh heh. Anyhow, the orifice (heh heh) support for the new flyer was a teensy bit bigger than the old one,
so I had to get to the maiden (the wooden bit (seriously, maiden, orifice, spinning is a dirty business...)) with the bit of sandpaper that came in the kit of goodies, probably for that purpose.

Then I found that the brake band wouldn't fit (too short) and the quick modification I made using a hairband wouldn't work (too dodgy), so there was nothing fot it but to pirate some fishing line from TLOML's fishing rod. One of these days I am going to need to upgrade to a new postie elastic band instead of the old one that I am using.
I had a go at plying some singles that I spun more than 12 months ago, when I was only just pregnant with Monkey 4, and really nauseous. In honour of its history, I proclaim this yarn to be Funky Chunky Chucky. Don't say that too fast, if you do it will sound worse than me going on about orifices.

fireworks and friends

Friends of ours live in Western Regional NSW and have invited us to come and visit for the last three years, and for the last three years we haven't been able to go. We are terrible friends. This year they invited us to come and watch the fireworks that he sets off. Finally, after 3 whole years, we managed to haul ourselves 4 hours west to see our friends, the town and the fireworks. Not only did we get to watch the kabooms, The Love Of My Life got to help set them off. He was a happy man and assures me that the pyrotechnics licence course only takes three days and a thousand dollars to do.

We stayed with our friends in the most gorgeous, kid friendly and friend friendly house. It was marvellous!

Another high point of the trip was using this

to cook these.
Very enjoyable on both counts!

In the evening on New Years Day we were treated to Baked Alaska, which were so delicious that I just ate mine all up before I thought of taking a photo. Imagine me sitting and looking very content, with a belly full of brownie and icecream and meringue :)