Friends of ours live in Western Regional NSW and have invited us to come and visit for the last three years, and for the last three years we haven't been able to go. We are terrible friends. This year they invited us to come and watch the fireworks that he sets off. Finally, after 3 whole years, we managed to haul ourselves 4 hours west to see our friends, the town and the fireworks. Not only did we get to watch the kabooms, The Love Of My Life got to help set them off. He was a happy man and assures me that the pyrotechnics licence course only takes three days and a thousand dollars to do.

Another high point of the trip was using this

to cook these.

In the evening on New Years Day we were treated to Baked Alaska, which were so delicious that I just ate mine all up before I thought of taking a photo. Imagine me sitting and looking very content, with a belly full of brownie and icecream and meringue :)
Jamie | 6:03 pm
I will have to show the Anti-Blogger this when he gets home from taking the kids to the park. :)
Kate | 9:12 pm
what did Anti-Blogger think?
Jamie | 9:53 pm
I just asked him and he said that he thinks it is the most exciting blog post he has ever read.
The fireworks made the front page of the local paper today. I will have to show you some time. It was a great pic taken from the main street.