I can crochet, I can spin, I can sew, I can follow instructions if they aren't too fiddly and I am not too impatient.
Lately I have been feeling my knitting mojo sneaking up slowly but steadily, so this week I busted out a pair of needles and had a go at knitting Continental style. This is more like crocheting in its technique, since I move the right needle around the yarn, not the yarn around the needle. Anyone watching me knit that knows anything about knitting or ergonomics would probably cringe, but it is working so there.
I had a look at four or five of the millions of knitting videos on youtube to see how to pick up a dropped stitch, ans concluded that these vids are largely shot by people that know what they are doing, but don't know how to make an instructional video. They say "now see this dropped stitch..." and I yelled back NO I CAN'T SEE THE STITCH! since the camera was so far away from the knitting that I couldn't see anything. A quick phone call to the Aunty Toots knitting helpdesk didn't really help either, since apparently I had buggered it up good and proper. I will find an in real life knitting helper very soon.
Before Monkey 4 was born, my dear over-the-road-neighbour gave me a knitting kit to make a pink baby jumper. It is a very strange pattern, but I am giving it a bash. This much since yesterday.

Watch this space for more jumper as it happens. or as I get around to photographing and blogging it. Assuming my old brain doesn't forget about knitting, photographing and blogging...
Anonymous | 8:45 am
You are doing fantastic!
Now you know that means I'm going to have to give knitting yet another try now too. I have been thinking about it lately funnily enough lol. I thought maybe it would be easier to pick up if I'm actually knitting something interesting rather than the things people are often given as first projects.