Yesterday when I was teaching my 4.75 yr old son to knit a basic knit stitch, I told him the story
Up the tunnel
Around the tree
Dig a hole, then push it off.
He knitted a few stitches, then told me a much better story.
The rocket blasts off
Around the rocket (because it is a round rocket)
Land back on earth, then the astronaughts jump out.
A much better story, linking knitting with interstellar travel. I am very proud.
Still here
Posted by Kate at 9:49 am
Still here, and you can still rely on me to blog irregularly. It is more likely than me ever blogging regularly.

We went camping over the weekend with the scout group. It was mostly fun, but I can't wait to go camping again with just our family. I have to say again and again how much I love our tent, it has 3 rooms, seems happy in strong wind, and each bedroom fits a queen sized mattress! Noice. Now to squeeze in some camping time between now and Christmas. Yeah right.
I finished the purple flower washcloth last night, sewed in all all ten ends, and blocked it. The scorching weather has left us be for a while and instead it is all nice and cool. The only downside that I can see is that now it will take longer to dry the washcloth before I can post it away to my friend in Adelaide. I wonder if I can iron bamboo...

We went camping over the weekend with the scout group. It was mostly fun, but I can't wait to go camping again with just our family. I have to say again and again how much I love our tent, it has 3 rooms, seems happy in strong wind, and each bedroom fits a queen sized mattress! Noice. Now to squeeze in some camping time between now and Christmas. Yeah right.
I finished the purple flower washcloth last night, sewed in all all ten ends, and blocked it. The scorching weather has left us be for a while and instead it is all nice and cool. The only downside that I can see is that now it will take longer to dry the washcloth before I can post it away to my friend in Adelaide. I wonder if I can iron bamboo...
Stuff I am making
Posted by Kate at 9:59 pm Labels: crochet, knitting, sewing
Shawl for wedding is slowly growing. Up to my third ball of yarn.

The invitation to the wedding arrived today, handmade and gorgeous. And totally on the fridge and two rooms away from me so I can't take a photo right now.
Due to a round of gastro doing leapfrog around our family, I forgot until the day of that I should make something for the second birthday of the daughter of a wonderful friend. What to make? What do little girls like? What do modern children in a very affluent country and with doting grandparents not already have?
A hand sewn tea set, that's what. I made four cups (two pink and two blue) and four matching saucers.

I thought for a millisecond about making a teapot, but I had about three hours go to whoa to get the whole project done, and besides, it would be hard to make a teapot and I wasn't in the mood for hard. Ditto little cakes to put on the saucers.

And what do modern toddlers know of teapots these days, other than short and stout and shouty? What is the tea experience of the new millennium under five set? Teabags, that's what. So I made four little teabags, two pink and two blue.

My friend was thrilled with the teaset, and the two year old took some time out from being the centre of attention of a house full of adult relatives to enjoy a fabric brew in one of her fabric cups, so that is quite all right with me.
Because my wobbly tumminess was causing my muddle headedness, I completely forgot about the gift swap that I had promised to play in, and that the gift was due to be posted this week. What to send that was not too tacky, had a value of roughly $9, wasn't too cheap, or too gaudy, or was easy and quick to find, and didn't mean taking my tagalong tribe to any shops? Feck it, easier to make something.
Purple bamboo yarn? Check.
Pattern for knitted cotton facecloth? Check.
Spanky new set of KnitPro interchangeable cable knitting needles that I got for my birthday last weekend and just begging to be used on a project? Check.
Enough uninterrupted time to get this project done this week? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Done - four and a half petals.
To Do - half a petal, and all of the middle, and sewing in all the ends, and blocking it, and wrapping it and sending it away.

The invitation to the wedding arrived today, handmade and gorgeous. And totally on the fridge and two rooms away from me so I can't take a photo right now.
Due to a round of gastro doing leapfrog around our family, I forgot until the day of that I should make something for the second birthday of the daughter of a wonderful friend. What to make? What do little girls like? What do modern children in a very affluent country and with doting grandparents not already have?
A hand sewn tea set, that's what. I made four cups (two pink and two blue) and four matching saucers.

I thought for a millisecond about making a teapot, but I had about three hours go to whoa to get the whole project done, and besides, it would be hard to make a teapot and I wasn't in the mood for hard. Ditto little cakes to put on the saucers.

And what do modern toddlers know of teapots these days, other than short and stout and shouty? What is the tea experience of the new millennium under five set? Teabags, that's what. So I made four little teabags, two pink and two blue.

Because my wobbly tumminess was causing my muddle headedness, I completely forgot about the gift swap that I had promised to play in, and that the gift was due to be posted this week. What to send that was not too tacky, had a value of roughly $9, wasn't too cheap, or too gaudy, or was easy and quick to find, and didn't mean taking my tagalong tribe to any shops? Feck it, easier to make something.
Purple bamboo yarn? Check.
Pattern for knitted cotton facecloth? Check.
Spanky new set of KnitPro interchangeable cable knitting needles that I got for my birthday last weekend and just begging to be used on a project? Check.
Enough uninterrupted time to get this project done this week? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Done - four and a half petals.
To Do - half a petal, and all of the middle, and sewing in all the ends, and blocking it, and wrapping it and sending it away.

Faaaark it's hot
Posted by Kate at 9:29 pm
The first heatwave of the summer is here early. We have had about a week of 30+ degree days. And that is proper degrees Celsius, not those namby pamby Farenheight degrees. Everyone here is a bit edgy and shouty and whiny. I saw a little video clip of my daughter wearing a cardigan while riding her bike and I nearly got heatstroke just watching it. It could be much worse, in Adelaide there are fires and fires and more fires and 40+ degree days for a week to come.
It's going to be a long long summer.
It's going to be a long long summer.
oops and Shawl update
Posted by Kate at 11:49 am
Hi Blogosphere,
I forgot to blog yesterday. Oops. I really can't see this blogging-every-day thing happening, but I will do my best Darlings.
The Wedding Shawl is hooking along nicely. I found a mistake at the start of a row, only finding it after finishing that row and nearly finishing the row above it, briefly considered leaving it there, but this shawl is too special to have any mistakes in, so undid the two rows, and repeated them, only to find another, earlier mistake. So out the two rows came again, and I am now nearly back to where I started.
Let me say right here that knitting has its own rhythm and is glorious in many ways. But I am having such a nice time weaving the yarn around that hook and dipping into and around the stitches. It is a lovely project to be doing and I am glad to be doing it.
White projects are hard to keep clean. Just saying.
I forgot to blog yesterday. Oops. I really can't see this blogging-every-day thing happening, but I will do my best Darlings.
The Wedding Shawl is hooking along nicely. I found a mistake at the start of a row, only finding it after finishing that row and nearly finishing the row above it, briefly considered leaving it there, but this shawl is too special to have any mistakes in, so undid the two rows, and repeated them, only to find another, earlier mistake. So out the two rows came again, and I am now nearly back to where I started.
Let me say right here that knitting has its own rhythm and is glorious in many ways. But I am having such a nice time weaving the yarn around that hook and dipping into and around the stitches. It is a lovely project to be doing and I am glad to be doing it.
White projects are hard to keep clean. Just saying.
On the hook today
Posted by Kate at 9:34 am
I am very proud to be making a gorgeous shawl for my sister to wear on the evening if her wedding. Not the Night if her wedding, you understand, what she wears then is her business entirely.
I started it with some delicious Jo Sharp Desert Garden Aran Cotton in white, sent by my sister, and a 5.5mm bamboo hook. The first row or two felt really blanketty, and I was worried that it wouldn't drape in a slinky way over the lovely slinky wedding dress.
Luckily I had a full packet of bamboo yarn in my stash, and have started in that using a 4mm bamboo hook, but I might get a metal one as the babmoo hook is grippy and it is driving me mad. So far it is going well, but somehow, despite counting very well I seem to be using one too many chains per shell. I am doing another experiment, will let you know how it turns out.
Pattern- Sweet Pea Shawl (The Happy Hooker, Debbie Stoller)
Hook - 4mm bamboo
Yarn - Cleckheaton 100% bamboo, colour 7 white, lot 71903, 50g, 125m.
It will look something like this

Except of course white, and with more shells per inch (skinnier yarn).
Wish me luck.
I started it with some delicious Jo Sharp Desert Garden Aran Cotton in white, sent by my sister, and a 5.5mm bamboo hook. The first row or two felt really blanketty, and I was worried that it wouldn't drape in a slinky way over the lovely slinky wedding dress.
Luckily I had a full packet of bamboo yarn in my stash, and have started in that using a 4mm bamboo hook, but I might get a metal one as the babmoo hook is grippy and it is driving me mad. So far it is going well, but somehow, despite counting very well I seem to be using one too many chains per shell. I am doing another experiment, will let you know how it turns out.
Pattern- Sweet Pea Shawl (The Happy Hooker, Debbie Stoller)
Hook - 4mm bamboo
Yarn - Cleckheaton 100% bamboo, colour 7 white, lot 71903, 50g, 125m.
It will look something like this

Except of course white, and with more shells per inch (skinnier yarn).
Wish me luck.
November commitment
Posted by Kate at 9:12 am
Apparently there is some kind of movement where bloggers are encouraged to blog every day in November. I missed the first third of the month, but can give it a shot for the rest of the month, right?
Help this slack arse blogger to keep motivation up. Please?
Help this slack arse blogger to keep motivation up. Please?
What I posted to a Facebook friend when she was getting hammered for not getting into Halloween in Australia
Posted by Kate at 8:56 am
Dear Halloween Grinch,
good for you! When my kids whine about trick or treating, I asked them what they wanted from it, and they said dressing up and lollies. So next year they can dress up and I will get them lollies. They asked why they can't go bother the neighbours, I told them that it isn't something we do in our country, and we are very grateful that we don't live in the US with all the bullshit that goes with it.
Boo his cultural imperialism and mass consumption and fat kids.
If they really want something in thier little lolly bucket, I will give them a lamb chop. Oz as. You know it makes sense ;)
Husband Socks
Posted by Kate at 7:43 am
I have been knitting socks. My sister is awesome at knitting socks, and I thought that I would give them a bash.
I am nearly finished knitting a pair of socks for my husband. I have heard of the boyfriend sweater phenomenon, but I am pretty sure I am safe with socks.

This is a progress pic from ages ago, but it will have to do for now.
Yarn - Kaffe Fasset Regia sock yarn
Pattern - Kaffe Fasset Regia sock pattern that came free with the yarn. This is a cuff down pattern, with short row heels. There are some strange instructions for wrapping for the short rows, but it could just be that I am a n00b and do not yet have mad wrapping short row skillz. Apart from that, the pattern is nothing fancy, good old plain knitting around and around and around on double pointed needles.
Needles - Knit Picks Dpns, Harmony (if they are the pretty wooden ones), size 2.75 I think, using 5 at a time.
Especially thanks to my sister who helped me out with these socks, and not least for stocking me up with goodies like three sets of Knit Picks dpns, and storage tubes from Nancys Knit Nacs, and the most excellent dpn wip tubes from Nancy also. I would embed links to Nancy and her fine tube work but I don't know that it is possible while blogging from my iPhone :(
Progress - one sock all done but for the grafting and sewing up a strange hole that appeared at the start of the short heel row (strangely enough on BOTH socks, they are truly a pair). The other sock just needs the toe decreases done and grafting and sew up the hole.
If I could get them done for my wedding anniversary in a week that would be just perfect.
One thing that is very good about knitting plain ol' socks is that just about any household emergency can wait till the end of a 16 stitch needle. I want to try some prettier socks, I hope that pattern work won't confuse me too much if I am dipping into knitting (as my busy life permits). Also, I need to meet up with a continental knitter in real life to get a lesson on doing wrapping, k2tog, psso etc without having to go back to non-continental knitting mid row. Tis annoying...
I am nearly finished knitting a pair of socks for my husband. I have heard of the boyfriend sweater phenomenon, but I am pretty sure I am safe with socks.

This is a progress pic from ages ago, but it will have to do for now.
Yarn - Kaffe Fasset Regia sock yarn
Pattern - Kaffe Fasset Regia sock pattern that came free with the yarn. This is a cuff down pattern, with short row heels. There are some strange instructions for wrapping for the short rows, but it could just be that I am a n00b and do not yet have mad wrapping short row skillz. Apart from that, the pattern is nothing fancy, good old plain knitting around and around and around on double pointed needles.
Needles - Knit Picks Dpns, Harmony (if they are the pretty wooden ones), size 2.75 I think, using 5 at a time.
Especially thanks to my sister who helped me out with these socks, and not least for stocking me up with goodies like three sets of Knit Picks dpns, and storage tubes from Nancys Knit Nacs, and the most excellent dpn wip tubes from Nancy also. I would embed links to Nancy and her fine tube work but I don't know that it is possible while blogging from my iPhone :(
Progress - one sock all done but for the grafting and sewing up a strange hole that appeared at the start of the short heel row (strangely enough on BOTH socks, they are truly a pair). The other sock just needs the toe decreases done and grafting and sew up the hole.
If I could get them done for my wedding anniversary in a week that would be just perfect.
One thing that is very good about knitting plain ol' socks is that just about any household emergency can wait till the end of a 16 stitch needle. I want to try some prettier socks, I hope that pattern work won't confuse me too much if I am dipping into knitting (as my busy life permits). Also, I need to meet up with a continental knitter in real life to get a lesson on doing wrapping, k2tog, psso etc without having to go back to non-continental knitting mid row. Tis annoying...
More boring testing
Posted by Kate at 7:19 am Labels: sheep, Testing
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