The invitation to the wedding arrived today, handmade and gorgeous. And totally on the fridge and two rooms away from me so I can't take a photo right now.
Due to a round of gastro doing leapfrog around our family, I forgot until the day of that I should make something for the second birthday of the daughter of a wonderful friend. What to make? What do little girls like? What do modern children in a very affluent country and with doting grandparents not already have?
A hand sewn tea set, that's what. I made four cups (two pink and two blue) and four matching saucers.

I thought for a millisecond about making a teapot, but I had about three hours go to whoa to get the whole project done, and besides, it would be hard to make a teapot and I wasn't in the mood for hard. Ditto little cakes to put on the saucers.

And what do modern toddlers know of teapots these days, other than short and stout and shouty? What is the tea experience of the new millennium under five set? Teabags, that's what. So I made four little teabags, two pink and two blue.

Because my wobbly tumminess was causing my muddle headedness, I completely forgot about the gift swap that I had promised to play in, and that the gift was due to be posted this week. What to send that was not too tacky, had a value of roughly $9, wasn't too cheap, or too gaudy, or was easy and quick to find, and didn't mean taking my tagalong tribe to any shops? Feck it, easier to make something.
Purple bamboo yarn? Check.
Pattern for knitted cotton facecloth? Check.
Spanky new set of KnitPro interchangeable cable knitting needles that I got for my birthday last weekend and just begging to be used on a project? Check.
Enough uninterrupted time to get this project done this week? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Done - four and a half petals.
To Do - half a petal, and all of the middle, and sewing in all the ends, and blocking it, and wrapping it and sending it away.

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