I started it with some delicious Jo Sharp Desert Garden Aran Cotton in white, sent by my sister, and a 5.5mm bamboo hook. The first row or two felt really blanketty, and I was worried that it wouldn't drape in a slinky way over the lovely slinky wedding dress.
Luckily I had a full packet of bamboo yarn in my stash, and have started in that using a 4mm bamboo hook, but I might get a metal one as the babmoo hook is grippy and it is driving me mad. So far it is going well, but somehow, despite counting very well I seem to be using one too many chains per shell. I am doing another experiment, will let you know how it turns out.
Pattern- Sweet Pea Shawl (The Happy Hooker, Debbie Stoller)
Hook - 4mm bamboo
Yarn - Cleckheaton 100% bamboo, colour 7 white, lot 71903, 50g, 125m.
It will look something like this

Except of course white, and with more shells per inch (skinnier yarn).
Wish me luck.
Anonymous | 12:36 pm
It's going to be gorgeous!
I have to admit, I loved the look of that, but don't have the crochet-fu ;)
Jamie | 10:20 pm
I got some bamboo hooks in NZ and find them too grippy, too.