Honeycomb icecream

Needing a quick dessert tonight, I found this awesome recipe for honeycomb icecream. I had never made honeycomb before, and it was as quick, easy and delicious as I had heard it was. I will definitely be making honeycomb again some time soon.

This is a nice quick ice cream recipe because it uses whipped cream and sweetened condensed milk, both as is, instead of having to cook a custard and then cool it before churning.  I'm going to make sure I always have a tin of sweetened condensed milk in the cupboard, because you never know when I might have a need for quick ice cream.  Better to be prepared for an icecream related emergency than to find yourself in the middle of one, I will from now on always say.

Monkey 1 has a friend staying the night, and this Monkey On Loan loves to experiment with cooking and eating. He was in raptures over the honeycomb and proclaimed the icecream to be the best he has ever tasted. Success!

Honeycomb Icecream

85g sugar
2 tablespoons golden syrup
1 teaspoon bicarb soda
400mL cream
1 can sweetened condensed milk (I understand that the Coles home brand is not made by Nestlé)

Grease or line baking tray with baking paper.  Put the sugar and syrup in heavy based saucepan and heat gently until the sugar melts. Boil for 1-2 minutes until it starts to caramelise.  Don't let the mixture burn.

Stir in the bicarb soda, then immediately pour the mixture onto the prepared baking tray but do not spread.  Mine kind of splodged onto the tray in a cow pat formation instead of poured, maybe a touch too much bicarb?  Leave for about 10 minutes until cold.

Whip the cream until it holds its shape, then whisk in the condensed milk. 

Pour the custardy goodness into your icecream maker, or freeze it uncovered for 1-2 hours or until it begins to set around the edges, then pop it into a bowl and stir with a fork until smooth.

Put the honeycomb into a plastic bag, wrap in a teatowel and bash the bejizzus out of it with a rolling pin.  Very satisfying.

Mix the honeycomb chunks, crumbs and dust into the icecream, and then return to the freezer for a few hours.

Nom it up.

Ours was needed for dessert before it was properly frozen, so it had a bit of a soft serve texture to it, but nobody seemed to mind.