
I am still very enthusiastic about bread, and I thought I would give Tessa Kiros' recipe for white bread from "Apples for Jam" a go.  It used a bit less (450g) flour than my usual (500-600g), and used a fair whack of butter and an egg and milk, and no water, so the bread turned out more cakey and dense than the loaves I have been making lately.  It could also be that our nights are getting warmer, and by warmer I mean that we don't need the heaters on overnight, so the loaves probably didn't have the advantage of rising all night in a heated bedroom. 

I bought a whole heap of strawberries yesterday, so after baking the bread, I sliced the berries and put them in a bowl with some sugar, and put them in the warm oven for a while to moosh up a bit.  When they were warm, I sliced the loaves thickly, spooned some warm strawberries and a bit of the strawberry syrup from the bottom of the bowl over each slice, and they were all eaten by my family in record time.  We will do this one again!
I think that the bread would be better for something like grilled cheese with mustard pickle, because it tastes really yeasty and doughy.  There is a bit left, I might have to experiment at lunch time.  For science, you understand.