I hope you anti-vaxxers are happy because I am miserable

I am miserable.  A dear friend, who wanted the baby she was carrying more than anything in the world, birthed her sleeping baby early this week.  She is devastated, I am devastated, everyone she knows is devastated.  No sadder thing could happen.  When someone dies, people across time and across the world get together to grieve.  Another dear friend who is grieving gathered a heap of us together so that we could comfort each other. But I couldn't go.

My fully vaccinated children were exposed to whooping cough (pertussis) at school.  At our lovely hippy school, populated with just the demographic of typical anti-vaxxers, left wing, middle to upper middle class, very educated, and easily swayed by the fear and pseudoscience of people like the Australian Vaccination Network. I'm not getting into the whole debate, that would take years and give me an ulcer.

There is a whooping cough epidemic on the east side of Australia right now, and it is caused by falling vaccination rates.  No brainer.  And my kids have been exposed to whooping cough.  They are mildly unwell, but thanks to their vaccination status I am not worried for their health.  But I am worried about exposing young babies who have not had the opportunity to be fully immunised against whooping cough.  These babies die.  I am not going to be responsible for another mother saying goodbye to the baby she will never hold again in her arms.

My kids have seen a doctor, have had swabs taken, and I will base our further activity on the results, which I should hear in a day or two.

So instead of grieving with my women friends, all mothers, for the baby that has died and for the hearts that have broken and will never heal the same, I am keeping my kids away from their kids, because it is the right thing to do.  I can't be with these women today, and might not be able to make it to the funeral for that wee babe who never had the chance to draw breath.

Fuck you, anti-vaxxers.  I hope you are happy.  I am miserable.

18/07/11 update - the swabs taken from my kids came back clear.  My kids do not have pertussis.  I can once again go and be with my friends, right now when we need each other the most. 

Thanks for kind words, and for strong words based on science and evidence, to counter the comment fuelled by paranoia, fear and misinformation. 

Please go and vaccinate your kids, and vaccinate yourself against whooping cough.  More info here.


  • Anonymous | 3:16 pm

    Sorry but that is illogical. If the vaccinations your children recieved worked then they wouldn't have caught it. Blaming it on unvaccinated children rather than the failing of the vaccine is a bit rich.

  • Kate | 3:25 pm

    yes, yes, thankyou Anonymous commenter who won't even use their name, lets assume that I was actually interested in debating with an anit-vaxxer, which I am not, and assume that I am in the mood to discuss science and immunology, which I am not. There are countless websites that argue and discuss these concepts. I am very pissed off that I can't grieve the death of a baby with my friends. Thankyou for your comment.

  • Staranise | 4:06 pm

    We missed you today. Hope we will be able to catch up soon.

  • Sian Morton | 5:38 pm

    Anonymous, it is not illogical at all. No one has ever claimed that vaccinations are 100% effective. However, it is true that the more people who are vaccinated the less a disease gets a chance to circulate in the community. Vaccination is not compulsory, and that is how it should be, but most intelligent and socially responsible individuals accept that the benefits of vaccination - to both the community and the individual - vastly outweigh any risks.

  • Sian | 6:49 pm

    Kate, I am sorry. I didn't mean to turn your blog into a vaccination debate. My thoughts are with you and all who are grieving the loss of this precious baby.

  • Kate | 10:16 am

    Sian, thanks for your kind thoughts. Thanks for making this about vaccines, it is a discussion that needs to happen with evidence and science, not with fear and paranoia. I haven't got the energy to have this discussion, and I am grateful to you.