I have signed up to participate in the Tour de Fleece, which is a challenge to spin every day of the Tour de France. I wanted to do this last year, and I can't even remember what it was that got in the way of me doing it, so I am going to spin in the 2011 Tour.
My goals for this tour are to
- finish the rainbow silk that has been on my Windwheel since at least this time last year, and even navajo ply it if I can be bothered
- spin as much alpaca as I can on my new wee turkish spindle. Even though it feels like moving a mountain one grain of sand at a time (since I started out with 17 whole fleeces, and this spindle only spins a tiny amount at a time), it is good to get some of it spun finally
- put a dent in the bag of merino silk that I am spinning on my other spindle
- go stash diving - shut my eyes and stick my hand into my tub of fibre and spin whatever I pull out. I really would like to reduce my stash, because it is awkward to want to buy new stash when this stash is not really in control any more. Must remedy this situation!
I might hit my goals, or I might miss, but I will get some more spinning done and that will be fine.
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