See if you can find the following things
- a cardboard box house that was built for a small plush dog. This house has sleeping rooms, a mezzanine with a ramp, living areas and a toilet
- small plastic containers that had spilled sequins and little beads, ideal for sticking onto things to make them very beautiful indeed
- a toddler who has been drawing with textas
- a sheet of example writing for a school aged lad who wanted to write a letter to his best adult friend telling him how much he loves her
- a wasp made out of a coco pops box, made by a lad who is very scared of wasps, and is trying to find out more about them to help him beat his phobia
- sticky tape
- a Footrot Flats book, and a fantasy dragon type book, both of which the kids are loving reading at the moment
- string, pencils, cut out paper, a flower made of paper and a pipe cleaner
- a vase of flowers (ok, so you can't see the flowers, just the vase) that The Love Of My Life brought home one day just because.
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