See this pile of bags of fleece? This is what was waiting for me this morning by the mailbox of the man with the friends with the alpacas with the haircuts.
Very kindly the man put the bags out by his letterbox last night. Very unfortunately it rained down lots if rain last night, and the bags were only loosely twisted shut, and were not watertight. So now I have a van boot full of bags of damp fleeces. Looks like I am learning to wash and dry fleece faster than I thought.
Emma Davidson | 10:36 pm
Hope it was skirted and you didn't get wet alpaca turds too. Although I have lovely family bonding memories of picking the dags out of the crutchings during a particularly skint year at the farm when I was a kid. It was one of the last times I was allowed into the shearing shed as a girl while it was "working" (no women rule).
Kate | 2:38 pm
Picking dags out of crutching. Luxury! I remember plucking the fleece from a dead sheep one time. It had died but was in full fleece. Pretty gross now I think of it...