While I am finally blogging some things that I have made (lately I either have time to blog or to make, but not to do both), I will share some flowers that were a big joint effort. My sister wanted some blue flowers to go in her wedding bouquet, but of course blue flowers aren't in season this kind of year in this hemosphere or something, so being the resourceful and skilled woman she is with a yarn stash to behold, she knitted a whole heap of flowers. My part came in on the day before the wedding, when I sewed them all up, and invented a way to attach the flower, the stamens, the icord stems and the wire for the stems. I then pressed our mum into service and we got those flowers all done in time to take to the florist to be included in the bouquets.

I learned that icord machines are a bit tricky to use, but that The Love Of My Life has a fantastic grasp of tension and yarn and twist and can be relied upon to whip up metres of icord when the pressure is on, that Wollmeise is indeed lustworthy yarn, and that knitted flowers look fantastic as part of a bouquet. And that doing things at the Last Minute tm seems to be a genetic trait and that I might as well stop fighting it, it seems to be my destiny.
Jamie | 5:42 pm
Both look lovely, Kate.
Coincidently, the word verification for this post is troses!
Lynn | 9:27 pm
The wrap is absolutely gorgeous and the flowers look fantastic. You are a very talented lot.
Whitney | 5:08 pm
Wow Kate - just read about the flowers, and I love them. I didn't notice they were knitted when looking at the wedding photos weeks ago. the shawl is superb too. really enjoying your blog now that I've rediscovered it. Whitney