
It could be that I have a few more readers after having been outed or discovered on an email list that I belong to. If you are new here, hi! And please don't lurk, if you are reading, please leave comments. I love comments.

Spinning - after sitting on my bum drooling over pages and pages of art yarns on Ravelry, and imagining what I might make at the workshop this weekend, I got inspired to ditch the screen and sit in front of my wheel instead. Last night I spun up a few pouffy blue batts into a lumpy woolen style yarn to practice my long draw. I am not sure that it is a true long draw, I will dig out my Maggie Casey DVD and check. Anyhow, the yarn turned out fine, and today i have been spinning it as a coil spun yarn. Slow going, since keeping overtwist out if the yarn is no mean feat.

Spinning related - more delicious goodies arrived for me to take away to my course this weekend. Yummy yum, they are all gorgeous. Can't wait to play with them.


  • Anonymous | 9:56 am

    Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  • Jamie | 4:45 pm

    You are getting famous, K! One day I will brag about being on here before the masses....
    Blue, my favourite. Can you post a pic? I have something lovely in my mind. :)
    Don't tell Pat. I've started a blog! Boring, but a blog nonetheless!