Mr Darcy and fibre take 2.
Sunday afternoon was spent in front of my spinning wheel with BBC Pride and Prejudice on the tv. Bliss!

This yarn is corespun onto a cotton core, wrapped with some stripy roving I got in a fibre swap one time. To be honest, the white, blue and red striped roving really didn't do it for me at all, but it is great for practicing corespinning, and the yarn isn't turning out too bad.
So far I have half a jumbo bobbin full of corespun yarn.
Does anyone know what a corespun yarn can be used for? Please let me know if you have used it or know someone who has.
I might have to run it back through the wheel to take a bit if twist out of it when I am done.
Sorry for the dodgy iPhone pic on this post and nearly all of my posts. If I didn't blog from my phone I would never blog at all.
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