These are the things I have been making.
- I learned to knit again. My friend Disco Knitter taught me how to knit continental style, which suits my reluctance to change from crochet technique to knitting technique, and also my need for speed, because, by cracky, knitting continental is SPEEDY! Whoo Hoo!
- I knitted a light green crossover top for my bebbeh girl from bamboo/cotton. I still haven't sewn it up. I really should put on my big girl knickers and learn how to do mattress stitch, but I am skeered of buggering it up.
- I knitted a jumper for my wee one (I figured that since she is little she would be quicker to knit for, and also she doesn't yet care what I make her wear), but really need to get off my bum and knit the neck band and sew it up. Once again I will have to learn how to pick up stitches for knitting neck bands. Will take effort and bravery. Must dig out big girl knickers and put em on.
- I then learned how to do nice ordinary stitches thanks to Disco Knitter (instead of the twisty but consistent ones I had been doing thus far, which I have since found are a proper documented and published fancy stitch that aren't "all wrong" as I had been told by someone quite close to home...) and thought, What The Hey, it is time to tackle a woman sized project for myself, so I finished frogging the aborted attempt to crochet Debbie Stollers crocheted Frou Frou cardi, and started Classic Elite Yarns' Duchess Raglan jumper. It took me about 7 knitting days, and it was done. I had it finished over a two week school holiday, and wasn't I feeling proud! No photos yet since I mumble mumble lost the charger cable for my camera battery in my messy house and then gave up all hope of finding it so eventually bought a replacement from ebayso of course the original was soon found mumble mumble.
- Then I got all hyper confident and decided to make some nice gifts for my neighbour including a scarf (easy peasy) and some wrist warmer cuff jobbies that were in a beginners book so should be easy peasy right? Nope. Pride cometh before a fall... These mitts were not easy enough to do with no thinking, biu not hard enough to have to really concentrate, so of course I bollocksed them up many many times and used some very unladylike language. I started the feckers three times over, then put on abovementioned big girl knickers and started to mattress stitch them together, but bollocksed that up too. Sigh. Must dig them out and finish them, or send away to my mum who has an unnatural (but very convenient for me) love of mattress stitching knitting together.
- So what next for over confident but not hugely skilled knitter girl? How best to combine crafting addiction with true love and family harmony? Knit socks for my husband of course! The rib is going nicely. The leg part is going nicely. The heel has only been pulled out once so far, so I am on track. Being an impatient beginner knitter means that I am learning a lot about unknitting, which I suppose is a good thing. In a grown up world...
see, look, I swatched!
My sister bought me Knit Picks double pointed needles in three sizes and Nancy's Knit Knacks tubes to put them in. Mwah! Thanks, babe. So now I have a knit Picks addiction...
- I don't yet know how to turn a heel, mattress stitch or to het rid of the linked text up there /\. Ack well, nobody is perfect.
Emma Davidson | 7:50 pm
Yay, you're back! So nice to see you again. Looking forward to September being over so I can book you for teaching me how to use a spinning wheel properly (because I remember crap all from when I was a kid).
Jamie | 9:28 pm
Great to see you blogging. :)
Mum is here at the moment and I'm putting her to work. Well, the plan was for her to give me a rehash of the crochet she taught me last time she was here, but today we settled for her doing some quick crochet and me catching up on some things. :)