Thanks so much to my dear Bilby, who sent me some goodies in our latest round of Carrier Bilby. Carrier Bilby is kind of like Secret Santa, but for carriers, and is a very cool swap indeedy.
This round I got sent a slingified wrap

which I think is made from a Storchenwiege Vicky, dyed yellow, and then slingified. Noice.
I was also sent a crocheted bilby

and me getting this bilby is either a bit freaky, or more likely a sign that great minds think alike or that crocheter babywearers are pretty cool, since
I also bought the exact same pattern from
Crochetroo, and crocheted a bilby for
my Bilby recipient! But the bummer is that I did not have time to take a photo before I had to wrap it and send it away, since my parcel was already running late. I have seen a photo, but since the swap was supposed to be secret, I can't ask her for permission to post her photos else the jig would be up. So imagine two bilbies in this post, mine being made from light grey alpacca yarn from the clearance table at Cassidy's. I so love the clearance table at Cassidy's!
My parcel arrived today, thanks so much Bilby :)
Jamie | 8:07 am
What a coincidence!
When I first saw the pic I thought it WAS the bilby I saw you making.