Something strange is going on. Maybe it has to do with the Large Hadron Collider being turned on, but probably not.
Something strange is happening to time. At least at my house. It used to take me approximately 24 hours to get the sleep that I can survive on, care for myself, care for three monkeys, maintain a happy marriage and social life, and even get a few extra things done. You will notice that housework didn't fit into the above list. With the addition of Monkey 4 into our lives, I have found that the 24 hours have stretched somewhat. Now I seem to be able to get the sleep I can survive on (survive, not crave, but there you go), care for myself (and who really needs a daily shower, it is winter!), care for FOUR monkeys, maintain a happy marriage and social life. Still no housework. No point changing everyone's life dramatically at this point in time.
This weird time stretch has been gradual, and hasn't finished yet. I can actually feel the stretch happen. A few weeks ago the time it took to care for Monkey 4 butted into the time available in 24 hours, and other things had to go by the by. But gradually the 24 hours are stretching to fit more in. Daily, I seem to be able to cram more in.
weird, huh?
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