Went to Sydney via the coast road with new funky over ocean bridges and through the national park. Breathed the forest air, cleansed my soul.
In Sydney met up with Aunty Toots and Bike, went and pigged out at Yum Cha (ooooh yeah...), then left Monkeys 1 and 2 with AT & B for an aquarium excursion while the Love of My Life and Monkey 3 firmly mounted on my back (Monkey 3 was on my back, LoML was on his own 2 feet, surely you knew that) went down and had a Max Brenner feast, as if you could ever have any less at Max Brenner.... then we went to Lush to stock up on lovelies, then to walk the sunny streets of Sydney. In an attempt to remember the name of and find the street with all the campling stores in it, we stumbled upon a large and wonderful shop with crochet hooks, yarns and all things marvellous, so I got a bamboo hook and some luverly cottons in case I had a few idle minutes on my holiday.
Then we found the street we were looking for, and shopped just in case we could find a sleeping bag for me that would be compatible with his. Lo and Behold! Angels trumpet and a sugar high from Max Brenner, we found the exact right one, sitting there in Snowgum. So we got it. Mr Visa wasn't expecting to be tickled like that, but what they hey, that's what holidays do.
On to Squires brewery for a wee dram, then home again home again jiggety jig to AT&B's for pizza and sleepy bo bos.
more to come as I can get around to it.......
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