First - a cardi for me, made with the Frou Frou pattern in The Happy Hooker by Debbie Stoller. I have been waiting about a year to make this pattern, started it about 2 weeks ago, ran out of yarn (gotta expect that when I bought what I could find on special but of course there wasn't enough... ), waited patiently for a rescue parcel of extra yarn to arrive from my sister (what a saint!), and now back to it. It is about three quarters finished.

secondly - a groovy hat for my groovy brother, I showed him Hip Hats and Cool Caps and asked if there was anything that tickled his fancy, and he chose a hat called "OG". It is mostly finished, but since he is coming to visit this weekend I will wait till then to do some more work on it and do a fitting. I don't want to make it and then have him not wear it cos it is too tight...
thirdly - a pair of mittens for Monkey 2. She asked for some, we bought the yarn together (I don't think that 5 years old is too early to start to learn about yarn buying and stashing!), and I have started them. But I had to stop for a bit since she was being such a toad in so many ways, and the things that I thought were important (like getting dressed, getting out of bed, getting to school less than half an hour late every single day and so on) she was ignoring, so I said that I was going to ignore some of the things she thought were important... so the mittens still aren't done... watch this space. Hopefully they will be finished before the weather warms up again.
fourthly - I have only just started a pair of stripy socks for my gorgeous sister. On the backburner, though, I really want this cardi finished :)